Transform Your Life
Guide Your Clients to Breakthroughs


Are you on a journey of Awakening?

Do you want to create a career helping people awaken to their True Selves through Human Design?

Do you want to weave Human Design into your current coaching practice and empower your clients to succeed?

Do you want to use Human Design in your personal life to understand your family and friends better?

If you have a sacral “yes” to any of these questions, or if your soul calls you, then our Human Design Certification Training for Professionals is the perfect next step for you!

Rise Above Coaching Hurdles & Activate Your Client’s Potential With A Powerful Diagnostic Tool

As champions of people who have a passionate desire to support and uplift one another, we often hit a dead-end when we find our clients…

Grappling with resistance

Conditioned to limiting beliefs

Stuck in self-sabotage patterns

Resistant and closed off to positive change

Disconnected and out of touch with their potential

But, despite these challenging situations, there lies an opportunity… where you can guide them from identifying with their wounding to embracing and living from their divine beingness with ease, clarity, and potency.

Free from dogma and restrictive principles, Human Design offers you a practical, non-biased way to get to the root cause of your client’s challenges, help them tap into higher levels of performance, and ultimately, deepen the meaning of their lives.

Rise Above Coaching Hurdles & Activate Your Client’s Potential With A Therapeutic Diagnostic Tool

As champions of people who have a passionate desire to support and uplift one another, we often hit a dead-end when we find our clients…

Grappling with resistance 

Conditioned to limiting beliefs

Stuck in self-sabotage patterns

Resistant and closed off to positive change

Disconnected and out of touch with their potential

But, despite these challenging situations, there lies an opportunity… where you can guide them from identifying with their wounds to embracing and living from their divine beingness with ease, clarity, and potency.

Free from dogma and restrictive principles, Human Design offers you a practical, non-biased way to get to the root cause of your client’s challenges, help them tap into higher levels of performance, and ultimately, deepen the meaning of their lives.



Imagine… having a powerful diagnostic tool at your fingertips that allows you to tap into your client’s unique operating system in an instant.


Imagine… being the guide that helps them unravel their resistance, and reconnect with their authentic selves, while they relish the deep pleasure and peace that comes when they relax into who they are.


Imagine… having a crystal-clear pathway to the highest purpose that you are designed to live out in this lifetime and the ripple effect of that magic on your business, life, and family as a whole.

Much like the gentle ripples spreading on a pond, Awakening Through Human Design exists to empower practitioners like you… to carry the divine transmission of Human Design to the people you serve, helping them uncover their unique brilliance and co-creating an aligned world where everyone is celebrated for who they truly are.

Hi, I’m Robin...

A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist now turned Human Design Coach, Trainer & Author.

I was the first daughter after five boys, born into a high achieving family. My father was a cardiovascular surgeon, my mom became a private pilot in her 50’s.

My first thirty years were pretty much a disaster. From a Human Design perspective, I can look back and understand that that was kind of inevitable. 

For starters, I have my Conscious Sun in Gate 3, Difficulty at the Beginning, Innovation. Yeah, a late bloomer. Someone bringing new things to humanity. Not so easy! Then there is the completely Open Identity Center – no solid sense of self. Continuously grappling with the question Who Am I?  Not to mention, the 6/2 Profile: for those first thirty years I had to try everything to see what worked and what didn’t work. I made lots of messes. Not an easy time.

The good news is that this challenging beginning led me to explore and become proficient in a wide array of modalities. My passion to find out how to alleviate suffering – my own and others – drove me to discover what truly worked. 

Everything I learned I shared with the people I was here to serve. I delved into psychology, spirituality, bodywork…I immersed myself in Tibetan Buddhism, became a Rosen Method Bodywork practitioner, then a psychotherapist, did “The Work”, intensively with Byron Katie, was a Diamond Logos teacher…

All of these were extremely helpful on the path. Then, in 2006 I was introduced to Human Design. The revelation that my wife was a Projector, and I was a Generator had a massive impact on our relationship. It opened us up to accept each other as different. It created a new level of understanding.  

I saw how I had been unfairly judging her need for rest and downtime, perceiving her as lazy… while she finally understood my “go-getter” Generator energy.

In 2013 I had the next level of Human Design Awakening. While picking up a book of Human Design on a friend’s coffee table the transmission downloaded in me.

Hi, I’m Robin...

A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist now turned Human Design Coach, Trainer & Author.

I was the first daughter after five boys, born into a high achieving family. My father was a cardiovascular surgeon, my mom became a private pilot in her 50’s.

My first thirty years were pretty much a disaster. From a Human Design perspective, I can look back and understand that that was kind of inevitable. 

For starters, I have my Conscious Sun in Gate 3, Difficulty at the Beginning, Innovation. Yeah, a late bloomer. Someone bringing new things to humanity. Not so easy! Then there is the completely Open Identity Center – no solid sense of self. Continuously grappling with the question Who Am I?  Not to mention, the 6/2 Profile: for those first thirty years I had to try everything to see what worked and what didn’t work. I made lots of messes. Not an easy time.

The good news is that this challenging beginning led me to explore and become proficient in a wide array of modalities. My passion to find out how to alleviate suffering – my own and others – drove me to discover what truly worked. 

Everything I learned I shared with the people I was here to serve. I delved into psychology, spirituality, bodywork…I immersed myself in Tibetan Buddhism, became a Rosen Method Bodywork practitioner, then a psychotherapist, did “The Work”, intensively with Byron Katie, was a Diamond Logos teacher…

All of these were extremely helpful on the path. Then, in 2006 I was introduced to Human Design. The revelation that my wife was a Projector, and I was a Generator had a massive impact on our relationship. It opened us up to accept each other as different. It created a new level of understanding.  

I saw how I had been unfairly judging her need for rest and downtime, perceiving her as lazy… while she finally understood my “go-getter” Generator energy.

In 2013 I had the next level of Human Design Awakening. While picking up a book of Human Design on a friend’s coffee table the transmission downloaded in me.

What People Are Saying

Find A Human Design Facilitator

If you are looking for someone to support your journey in understanding your unique energetic blueprint, a personalized 1 on 1 session from one of our Awakening Through Human Design Consultants and Certified Practitioners will provide you with the much-needed clarity and guidance.  Working with our practitioners, you’ll receive thoughtful insights on finding alignment and welcoming flow into your life, relationships, and business.


Whether you’re new to Human Design or a practitioner who wants to move deeper and integrate it into your work, our programs & training will empower you with all the tools and insights to embrace this life-changing system and apply it to your life and business.

program starts with orientation on

JULY 21, 2024

If you’d like to join us for the next cohort and want to explore if you’re a fit, you can start your application here.

Discover Robin's Books

Find Human Design too complex and inaccessible? Overwhelmed with all the dense, jargon-filled Human Design lingo out there? Explore Robin’s books and soak up the fundamental principles in an easy, crisp, and digestible format as you journey into understanding yourself, your clients, and your loved ones. You can access Robin’s various books below.

Invite Robin to Your Podcast

Introduce Human Design to your audience and inspire them to uncover their innate brilliance with Robin Winn’s simple, heart-to-heart transmission of Human Design.

Invite Robin to Your Podcast

Introduce Human Design to your audience and inspire them to uncover their innate brilliance with Robin Winn’s simple, heart-to-heart transmission of Human Design.

The Breakthrough Technology For Understanding Your Clients

Do you want to confidently guide your clients to their genius and amplify the impact of your work while simultaneously mastering your own energy? 

Grab your FREE copy of “Understanding Your Clients Through Human Design”, dive into the transformative world of Human Design, and deepen your practice as a facilitator.

The Breakthrough Technology For Understanding Your Clients

Do you want to confidently guide your clients to their genius and amplify the impact of your work while simultaneously mastering your own energy? 

Grab your FREE copy of “Understanding Your Clients Through Human Design”, dive into the transformative world of Human Design, and deepen your practice as a facilitator.





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