Unlock limitless possibilities as you immerse yourself in a learning and embodiment experience that helps you empower your clients to awaken to their True Selves.

Whether you’re a marketing consultant, therapist, healer, or corporate leader, our training programs equip you with the skills to get unstuck, rise above client challenges and coaching roadblocks, helping you awaken the brilliance within your clients that you often recognize but may struggle to draw out.

With a one-of-a-kind, potent combination of Human Design, Relational Presence & Essential Oils, our graduates are trained to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, spiritual alignment, and profound awakening to create radical transformation and healing in your business, life, and relationships.



Hi, I'm Robin...

My Human Design Initiation...

In 2006, while working as a psychotherapist and Diamond Logos teacher, I had my first Human Design session. 

It had a massive impact on my life.

Realizing that my wife, Yarrow was a Projector, and was not designed to have the energy resources I had, was activated by sacral yeses, but rather was organized around ease and pleasure, was a big “aha” moment for me.

I saw how I had been unfairly judging her need for rest and downtime, perceiving her as lazy… while she finally understood my “go-getter” Generator energy.

This realization opened us up to accept each other’s contributions, bringing in more space, aliveness, and respect to our relationship.

My Human Design Initiation...

In 2006, while working as a psychotherapist and Diamond Logos teacher, I had my first Human Design session. 

It had a massive impact on my life.

Realizing that my wife, Yarrow was a Projector, and was not designed to have the energy resources I had, was activated by sacral yeses, but rather was organized around ease and pleasure, was a big “aha” moment for me.

I saw how I had been unfairly judging her need for rest and downtime, perceiving her as lazy… while she finally understood my “go-getter” Generator energy.

This realization opened us up to accept each other’s contributions, bringing in more space, aliveness, and respect to our relationship.

Clients & Human Design

I quickly saw an opportunity to add a powerful dimension to my work with my clients.

I began running my client’s charts and introducing them to their design — their unique operating system.

Gradually, I started incorporating more and more Human Design sessions into my practice….

Eventually shifting to doing Human Design sessions.

The work was so life-changing, I soon came to realize that I couldn’t reach enough people by myself. I couldn’t make the impact I desired and knew was possible.

I was called to share the transformative power of Human Design with people who impacted others: therapists, coaches, healers, leaders.

My First Book & Awakening Through Human Design

This realization led me to write my first Human Design book.

I wrote “Understanding Your Clients Through Human Design: The Breakthrough Technology” as a way to equip other therapists and coaches with this powerful tool.

I tapped into my experience of having worked with clients on a weekly basis using Human Design to write a clear, accessible, and relatable guidebook.

Steering away from the deterministic Human Design paradigm, I embraced a unitarian, open-hearted approach that freed people from their stories and gave them the power to work with their challenges in a more empowered way.

Over time I continued to let my voice come through and soon, several people started seeking my guidance through my certification training, programs, and books.

Today it’s blossomed into a community of frequency-aligned souls, coming together to learn, share, and grow through their own unique Human Design path.

And, if you are feeling called to join us, here are two ways you can get started…

My First Book & Awakening Through Human Design

This realization led me to write my first Human Design book.

I wrote “Understanding Your Clients Through Human Design: The Breakthrough Technology” as a way to equip other therapists and coaches with this powerful tool.

I tapped into my experience of having worked with clients on a weekly basis using Human Design to write a clear, accessible, and relatable guidebook.

Steering away from the deterministic Human Design paradigm, I embraced a unitarian, open-hearted approach that freed people from their stories and gave them the power to work with their challenges in a more empowered way.

Over time I continued to let my voice come through and soon, several people started seeking my guidance through my certification training, programs, and books.

Today it’s blossomed into a community of frequency-aligned souls, coming together to learn, share, and grow through their own unique Human Design path.

And, if you are feeling called to join us, here are two ways you can get started…

This is Your Invitation to Expand Your Coaching Capacity, Empower Your Clients & Embrace Your Purpose

Are you ready to tap into your coaching potential with a breakthrough tool that brings an uncanny clarity about who your clients are, and how to best work with them? Do you want to expand your awareness of who you are, how you best operate, and what your true calling is? Do you wish to know and understand your near and dear ones better?

With the Human Design Certification Training for Professionals, a future filled with immense possibilities stands before you!

In this training, you’ll be stepping into an intimate 3-month transformational portal that marries Human Design, Essential Oils, and Relational Presence so you can…

Unravel your client's challenges, guide them to their genius, and feel more confident in being able to make a difference in people’s lives.

Amplify your impact and build a thriving practice by integrating Human Design with your existing services or as an add-on service.

Elevate your personal life and relationships by understanding your friends, family, and loved ones on a deeper and more intimate level.

If you have a clear resonance with stepping into the magical world of Human Design and your guidance points you to join our training, you can explore further below.

In this training, you’ll be stepping into an intimate 3-month transformational portal that marries Human Design, Essential Oils, and Relational Presence so you can…

Unravel your client's challenges, guide them to their genius, and feel more confident in being able to make a difference in people’s lives.

Amplify your impact and build a thriving practice by integrating Human Design with your existing services or as an add-on service.

Elevate your personal life and relationships by understanding your friends, family, and loved ones on a deeper and more intimate level.

If you have a clear resonance with stepping into the magical world of Human Design and your guidance points you to join our training, you can explore further below.


Gain awareness of your unique energetic blueprint with a personalized 1-on-1 session with one of our Awakening Through Human Design Consultants and Practitioners.  

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