Cheryl W Campbell
Cheryl W. Campbell


4/6 Manifesting Generator
Location: Dallas Fort Worth, TX, USA
Languages: English

I am a 4/6 Emotional Manifesting Generator with 9 Defined Centers, 8 Defined Channels.
My Incarnation Cross: RAX Sleeping Phoenix 3

My training:
Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Psychology
BS in Special Education (physical and other health impaired)
Certified HD Practitioner
Certified Hypnotherapist and Master Hypnotic Coach
Biofeedback Stress Management Coach
Cellular Detoxification Specialist Certification
15 years with frequency/energy medicine and wellness
PompaCore Health Coach Certification (in process)
Certified TRE (Tension and Trauma Exercises) practitioner
Certified Aerial Yoga and Pilates Instructor

The last few years of study with Robin Winn and Human Design has been a culmination of perpetual learning, offering a unique insight into the realms of self-development.

I have a varied and eclectic background in special education, rehabilitation psychology, medical case management, hypnosis training, fitness, health and wellness, energy/frequency medicine,
metalsmithing, jewelry making, and fiber arts.

In 2016 I founded MINDHACKER HD BRAIN / BODY OPTIMIZATION with the intention of utilizing cutting edge technologies that work with energy, frequency, Scalar, PEMF,
microcurrent, sound, neurofeedback, biofeedback and bioresonance modalities to support the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Human Design brought a new light to how I understood and approached myself and others.

I now combine aspects of these modalities to offer a creative and unique approach to supporting people on their path of personal self-development, self-empowerment, health and wellness.

That might include an on-going subscription to the HEB, a Quantum energy support tool that works like a digital prayer wheel for supporting one’s positive intentions for self, family, pets, or

Or it might be an energy session using biofeedback tools that work in the Quantum field, supporting improved health or unwinding the conditioning of negative or non-productive beliefs holding us back in life’s journey.

I provide energy health coaching for physical and emotional support, and other tools and resources, such as the purchase of a lifetime, university level cellular detoxification program to support the body and mind for improved health and healing.

I also create unique, one of a kind, BESPOKE healing art jewelry and fiber arts adornment designed to support the positive intentions and gifts of your Human Design chart at an energetic and subconscious level.

Cheryl’s work with quantum energy and Human Design is a powerful way to work with your Human Design Chart - to both align more closely with your natural strengths, and to relieve the burden of your conditioning. — Robin Winn


  • Quantum Biofeedback
  • Subscription Service for Harmonic Energy Balancing for personal, business health and wellness
  • Energetic Unwinding and Support for deconditioning negative belief systems uncovered in HD
  • Energetic Health Coaching and Wellness
  • Total Cellular Detox self-study access (lifetime access to university level course)
  • Bespoke HD jewelry and fiber arts adornment
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