The Day After Solstice

Embracing the Day After Solstice


The day after Solstice.
The birds are chattering away.


It’s a new day.

I had big plans for a Solstice email yesterday!
A thought. A lot of thoughts I wanted to share.

Instead, the Solstice darkness drew me to bed.
A cozy day wrapped up in a compelling book…
A story of drowning in challenges and the prevailing goodness.
I am touched.
The promising light is dawning in my heart.


Meanwhile the topic I want to, am going to, speak about still clamoring to be shared:







How perfect that instead of writing the email, going to Costco, mailing books to new students in the program…all important and worthy tasks…
I spend the day cuddled up.
Doing apparently


An unusual (but not unheard of) extreme of rhythm.
After all, like many of us during this transit, I have been going non-stop morning to night.

So the stopping.
Allowing myself to rest…
To be immersed in non-doing…
Is simply the other side of that transit of Extremes of Rhythm..

An act of self love, we could say…
Being on my own behalf…


(How is this playing out for you?)


The night before Solstice I went with some friends to beach where a visiting monk was leading a sunset meditation and giving a dharma talk.
He was covering 4 points.
The first, and most important point he said, was to be selfish.


Not selfless.



Too many people, he pointed out, have compassion fatigue.

Put 90% focus on yourself, 10% on the other.

Then what you give will be from a harmonious, not an efforting place.


Surprising, coming from a Buddhist monk.

And yet…


When we take our attention particles off others (as Pali would say), and bring them back to ourselves…
That is when we come home.
That is the act of waking up.
That is the process of going into Oneness…
(A bigger topic.)

If we think of the transits, the Sun in Self-love…

Being on our own behalf IS self-loving.


So here we are, in the midst of this holiday season, coming out of the darkness, the light dawning, impacted by these transits of Self-Love and Extremes…


How do we do use these transits on our own behalf?



The Sun is in Gate 10🌞
The Moon is in Gate 15🌏

Gate 10 is the Gate of Self-Love.

It is Individual Circuitry.

Really, one of the most complex Gates in the chart…
Depending on which Center it connects to it can be Individual Knowing (Spleen), Centering (G), or Integration (Sacral) Circuitry.
People with this Gate defined in their chart have the theme of self love – or lack of self love throughout their lives.
The rest of us have that gate activated when we are around people who have Gate 10 defined in their charts – or like now – the planets are transiting that Gate…


When we live the high side of this Gate, when we are Self-Loving, we empower others to be Self-Loving.
When we are not Self-Loving, well, we go to blame and shame.
Which is horrible if we believe our thinking.
It’s a war zone.


On the other hand, going to blame and shame is not so bad — if we use it to recognize that we are out of alignment. If we use it as a sign that we are simply not being Self-Loving.
It shows we’re triggered, and offers the opportunity to come back home!


After all, this Gate 10, Self-Love, is one of the Gates of Awakening.


In the Ra’s Daily View he says:
Those who carry this gate are the ones who recognize that awakening is not possible without self-acceptance. As we embrace the honor and pleasure of exploring life in a self-aware form, we empower our potential to live as our true selves, awake in the now moment.



In the Advanced Training on Thursday we immersed ourselves in the exploration of these transits.
It was one of the most moving classes I can remember.
I had tears streaming down my face listening to people share their experiences…


The pain of self-rejection.
The pain of watching others being less than self-loving.
The attempts to change people’s mind about their self-hate.
Discovering we do that so we don’t have to feel our own pockets of self-hate.


And the heightened possibility during this holiday time…to be self-loving, to be self-hating.
To go to blame and shame…

and then there is the Earth transiting Gate 15…


Gate 15, Extremes

So the Earth is what grounds us.
Extremes of rhythm is one of the indications here.
So we’re grounded by extremes in rhythm?
It makes so much sense in a way.
This is the time of year where people shop til they drop. Trying to get everything ready for the pending holiday celebrations. Food buying for feasts. Gift wrapping and shipping. Parties…


Seems like endless lists.
And sometimes, like me yesterday, we just stop.
We go on vacation.
We rest.
We begin the shift from Human Doings to Human Beings
We let go of our ideas of timing and allow ourselves to be in the flow.



The Gate 15, like Gate 10, comes off the Identity Center.
It is in the Collective Circuitry, which is not personal, and has an inherent desire to share with the world…
The embracing of extremes includes humanity.
Again, from Ra’s Daily View:
Love in Gate 15 is not about how we connect with others, but rather how we project a transpersonal love for humanity’s diversity out into the world.
This begins with loving the extremes of our own rhythms; for example, sleeping ten hours one night, and two hours the next.
Those who carry this gate are capable of accepting other people’s extremes without judgment, thereby bringing diversity into the flow of life.


A Christmas song comes to mind:
Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

Loving ourselves and Loving Humanity!


When these two Gates transit together there is a shazam meeting.
There is a possibility of opening to a new level of acceptance of ourselves, and one another.

In the Gene Keys, Richard Rudd talks about the high side of Gate 15 as Florescence:
It means to use any and all behavior to create illumination.

So there we have it.
Use the tension, the stress, the testiness, the overwhelm…
All the family challenges that arise at this time of year…


To let that dawning light touch all our wounded parts. All the places we are self-rejecting, and rejecting others.


When I first heard Pali say
All judgement is self judgement
A light turned on.


Of course, that was the core of Byron Katie’s work!


I was at once embarrassed, humiliated, and humbled.
And encouraged.
How valuable those judgements are!
They are the doorways to come home..


So here we are…
The day after Solstice
Illuminating those places that are less than loving-
towards ourselves…
towards one another..
Inviting in peace on earth…
and letting it begin
with ourselves.

P.S. Pali and I will be doing a class on December 28th on the transits: 58 Joy; 52 Stillness

Sign up now to join us—we’d love to see you there


We’re accepting applications and setting up interviews for the Human Design Certification training starting in January!

Don’t miss the early bird special!

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