Charlotte Friborg
Charlotte Friborg


4/6 Generator
Location: FL, USA
Languages: Danish, English

Charlotte is experienced in guiding moms towards financial independence and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

With a unique approach, Charlotte empowers moms to pursue either career advancements or establish their own successful businesses. Her passion stems from questioning why individuals don't align their careers with their passions, leading her to become a Master Certified Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Human Design Practitioner.

Having experience in recruiting, team building, and project management in Denmark and England, Charlotte moved to the United States in 2006 with her young family. As an Amazon bestselling author, speaker, and mom of three adults, she has mentored coaches in an International Coach Federation-approved certification program and gained an endorsement from Marianne Williamson in 2020.

In her work, Charlotte integrates Human Design, helping her 1:1 clients gain self-awareness and make impactful shifts for enhanced professional performance. If you're ready to discuss your career path or kickstart your business, reach out to Charlotte at [email protected] for a transformative conversation.

How Do You Use Human Design In Your Work?

I use Human Design as a support tool when coaching and guiding moms to choose or adjust a career path that makes them excited when they wake up on Monday mornings.


If you are ready to discuss your career path or kickstart your business, reach out to Charlotte at for a transformative conversation.

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