Kristin Panek
Kristin Panek


5/1 Manifesting Generator
Location: Oak Brook, IL, USA
Languages: English

During my 20-year career at Ameritech, “impossible” projects always landed on my desk, and yet I found unexpected solutions. Despite success, something was off. Then one night lightning struck our home – for real, and my transformation began.

I took a leap of faith – out of a General Manager position and into personal growth. I launched Flowering Heart Center, a vibrant Spiritual sanctuary and meditation center. My deep dive into mystery schools in Australia and India have allowed me to build spiritual communities and guide others to more fulfilling lives.

Discovering Human Design was a pivotal moment - the missing piece in working with clients, and the answer to why I had to leave my corporate job. In fact, in that first session, I received confirmation to leave the mystery school and create my own path. I leapt – right into the world of Human Design.

Today, I offer Human Design Consultations and courses inspired by my third book on leadership: Lead by Design: Applying Human Design Principles to Leadership Strategies.

Based on my Human Design, I’m here to support you to realize your big dreams, despite limitations.

You’ve been successful.

You feel something is missing and don’t know what.

You want to take your leadership to the next level.

What’s your dream – the one you keep setting aside for later?

What leap do you need to take now?

What’s your story of Limitation?

What needs completion?

Let’s work together to align with your Design, gain clarity and create forward momentum.

“Prior to our session, I had some insecurities with restarting my vocal coaching business. Learning about my “ MG type”, confirmed my inner knowing that I can build and create a successful business, and it propelled me forward.” Typhanie Monique

“I have had many types of readings in my life, but this was by far the best – I felt so good about myself after it!” – Barbara DeMers


  • Human Design Consultation
  • Individual Human Design Consultation Session
  • Couples Lead by Design Course
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