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About Robin

Robin Winn is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist turned Human Design Coach & Trainer. She works with therapists, coaches, healers, and practitioners helping them integrate Human Design into their practice to create radical transformation for their clients and themselves.

Over the course of her career, Robin has explored various modalities of human psychology, personal growth, and spirituality such as Somatic Psychology, Tibetan Buddhism, Rosen Method Bodywork, Byron Katie’s “The Work, The Diamond Logos Approach, and many others. 

She’s also the author of four Amazon bestsellers – Understanding Your Clients through Human Design: The Breakthrough Technology; Understanding the Centers in Human Design: The Facilitator’s Guide to Transforming Pain into Possibility; Understanding the Profiles in Human Design: The Facilitator’s Guide to Unleashing Potential; and Human Design and Essential Oils: The Facilitator’s Guide to Aligning with Your Type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, and Centers.

She lives on Maui with her Projector wife, Yarrow.

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