Are you READY?
The Sun is transiting Gate 54, AMBITION.
The Earth is transiting Gate 53, STARTING THINGS.
After the storms of The Fighter and Provocation, it’s time to use the chaos, the disruption, to shift gears, to enter a new cycle.
This is raw Root Center energy.
It’s looking for a place to manifest.
Gate 54 is Tribal Circuitry 🌞
It’s reaching towards the Spleen Center to connect with our intuition, well-being, survival.
There is an in-the-moment hue as we tap into the flow of business, prosperity, Awakening…
Richard Rudd in the Gene Keys talks about the low side (egoic side) of this hexagram as Greed. It moves to Aspiration and finally, the high side he names Ascension.
Here are his words on the 54th Gene Key:
Our egotism is not a bad thing. We have to see it for what it is. It’s simply fuel. As fuel it has its use, but without awareness we don’t refine that fuel, so we don’t leave the trap of our urge to find fulfillment. The bottom line is that ego isn’t the enemy. It’s the booster rocket that one day will launch us into inner space.
– Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Gate 53 🌎
We’re grounded by starting a new cycle.
A new turn in the spiral.
This is RIGHT BRAIN energy.
It reaches to the Sacral Center.
Two motors wanting action…
Time to get going!
Here we look to symbols, dreams, the past to inform our next steps.
Again, looking to Richard Rudd, he sees the journey as one from Immaturity to Expansion to Superabundance.
His Words:
Expansion comes without effort. It emerges naturally, slowly, quietly. It brings calm rather than excitement. It brings simplicity rather than complexity. It brings perspective rather than ambition. And it all comes through slowing down.
So as we go to start something new, we have to slow down.
Listen within.
Come into PRESENCE.
Open to our guidance (Inner Authority).
Pali talks about this as bringing your attention particles back.
This is not an attempt to manipulate the world to get what we want.
This is an opening.
An allowing.
A being in a dance with the UNIVERSE.
I mean, our resistance, our thinking we know something…
How things should look or be…
Stops the flow.
Witnessing the ego’s activity – rather than being at it’s beck and call…
Opens the doors of possibility.
I’ve been working with this…
I have that habit of thinking I know something.
I know what’s needed in any given situation.
The problem is – I’m often right.
The other problem is…I can stop the flow.
When I grab hold of a need to be safe.
To feel secure…
I forget that being home with myself IS the SAFETY!
There is a stable place —
That is always present —
Regardless of the egoic waves…
Regardless of what I think or feel…
Regardless of what appears to be happening —
Either to my liking or dislike…
That is home.
Byron Katie used to say the Heart waits for us.
Slowly we make our way back home to our SELVES.
What an incredible opportunity we have in the next few days…
To use the energy available to us to come home.
And to share what new path we’re embarking on.
Blessings on your journey!
Let me know what new cycle you’re opening into!
What aliveness beckons?
In Oneness,
P.S. Hey…it’s not too late to apply for the Awakening through Human Design training …
We’re studying the Gates this month!
Perhaps this is the beginning of your new cycle of prosperity….