Barbara Boothby, MS
Certified Human Design Consultant
Facilitator of Essential Oils Practice for the Human Design Certification Training Team
A bit about me and why I am here: After decades as a licensed dietitian and nutrition counselor, I realized life was calling me in a new direction. So, I took a leap that I hadn’t planned and left my career in 2018. I delved deeper into my spiritual practice. I immersed myself in an embodied study of essential oils with Greg Toews that continues to this day. More recently, I discovered Robin Winn and Human Design. Life has transformed in ways I could not have imagined. Trust and curiosity have served me well.
My exploration of Human Design, and my work with essential oils, provided the impetus I needed to embrace and step more fully into my own design. Each is powerful on its own; together they are compelling. I am inspired to share what this pairing can offer others who are ready to embark on their own journey of transformation.
The gifts I bring to this journey include --an insatiable and penetrating curiosity for exploring and learning, an ever-increasing admiration for the unique beauty of each and every individual’s design, the ability to hold space with presence, trust, authenticity, reverent listening, and a mindset of abundance.
Are you curious what an exploration of Human Design might look like for you? Are you or someone you know seeking insight as you face a life transition such as college, divorce or retirement? What are you imagining life is calling you to do?
If any of this resonates and you’d like to explore Human Design together, reach out to me.