Heidi Winn
Heidi Winn


2/4 Generator
Location: Fairfield, IA, USA
Languages: English

I am a 2/4 Emotional Generator with the RAX of Consciousness, and two Tribal Channels. As a therapist, I have worked with individuals, couples, parents, and children with deep soul challenges and suffering. I now offer Human Design sessions and Sacred Listening sessions to bring light to our wounding and awaken people to their True Nature. Until I shifted, I lived from a place inside where I felt that something was fundamentally wrong with me. Therapy, spiritual practices, New Age workshops were my go-to. All I wanted was be seen and loved for who I truly was, without all the conditioning and posturing I thought I needed to belong.

Over time, I learned ways to compartmentalize the internal stressors that hounded me. I was a successful therapist, basically happy in my family and community. Though life was manageable, I was still chasing approval and desperate to feel seen.

When my youngest child, a 14 year old transgender boy named Finn, died by suicide, I was brought to my knees. And yet, his death created a portal of awakening. I took refuge in my 2nd Line Profile - my Hermit. I took a deep internal dive. When the time was right, I dove into studying Human Design and NARM (Neuro Affective Relational Model). I discovered a golden nugget: the Mountain of my Being. Living in alignment with my Human Design, the depth of my inner stillness allows for a deeper capacity to listen to others and hold space for their Truth.

As I sit with people from this Mountain of stillness, the molecules in the air seem to change, and Sacred Listening emerges. It is this space that I bring to people seeking their homecoming. This deep listening creates a container for the innate, unfettered Self to be explored, felt, and breathed. Through my awakening consciousness, I pass the flame to others to discover the path to awaken their own consciousness.

How Do You Use Human Design In Your Work?

I am available for Sacred Listening sessions and Human Design sessions for women who want to: •Be in relationship with themselves, integrating all aspects within.. •Include their body into the conversation of their deep dive within.. •Deepen their capacity to witness their thoughts, body sensations, images, and emotions.. •Turn their shame or self-judgment into curiosity.. •Find their voice and be attuned to the timing of expressing it.. •Explore their relationship with authority and step into their own agency and power.. •Trust the unfolding of life as part of the greater picture.. •Live in alignment with their Human Design, their unique puzzle piece..


  • Human Design Consultation Session
  • Human Design Coaching Session Series
  • Mental Health Coaching Session
  • Sacred Listening Session
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