Kaycee Flinn
Kaycee Flinn


5/1 Manifesting Generator
Location: Paia, HI, USA
Languages: English

I have been on a journey of personal growth and development for the last 15 years. After a near-death experience in 2009, my quest to discover my true identity and live a heart-centered, authentic life was revealed. In 2012, I graduated from the University of Santa Monica, a Master’s Program in Spiritual Psychology. In 2015, I graduated from the Institute of Integrated Nutrition with a focus on wellness and well-being with nutrition. In 2016, I lived in Bali and completed 300 hrs yoga teacher training. Now I merge these modalities and teachings in my immersive studies and training with Human Design.

As a 5/1 profile, I have a quench for knowledge and I am an advocate for the greater good of humanity and life on this planet. When Human Design came into my life, I directed my energy to follow my strategy to wait to respond as a Manifesting Generator with Sacral Authority and I have seen miracles happen in my life. Overall, there is a greater sense of knowing, acceptance, trust and connection to the natural world, myself and others. Learning about my individual and tribal circuitry and the planetary positions in the gates in my chart gave me so much insight and clarity into my nature, my strengths, and where I am here to learn and become wise. Working with Human Design embodies the great saying to “Know Thyself” and is the greatest act of self-love for me.

I currently live in Maui where I connect with clients on Zoom and here in person for private sessions and personalized retreats. I am determined to share this wisdom and knowledge to guide individuals to fulfilling their dreams, self-love, and vibrate as the highest expression of their design. I love working with all types. The way this work lights me up is by doing a deep dive with clients and working within 1, 3, or 6 month containers where sessions are held weekly and I guide and support the teachings, chart analysis, and coaching along the way.


  • 1:1 Human Design Individual sessions
  • 1:1 Human Design and Coaching Immersions
  • Tea Ceremony Personalized Private 1:1 Retreats in Maui that I arrange
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