Sharon Seaberg
Sharon Seaberg


1/3 Manifesting Generator
Location: Austin, TX, USA
Languages: English

Sharon Seaberg is an Executive Coach specializing in transforming accomplished women into influential and deeply fulfilled leaders within just 10 weeks. Her unique approach emphasizes conscious life design, ensuring her clients achieve their leadership and life aspirations without working harder or compromising their relationships or health.

🔗 Learn more through her website:
🔗 For a personalized journey, book a free leadership consultation:

How Do You Use Human Design In Your Work?

Sharon uses Human Design in coaching or workshops through customized coaching plans, decision-making guidance, enhanced self-awareness, optimizing work environments, understanding team dynamics, overcoming challenges.


  • A New Way of Being You, A Soul Driven Path to Create Fulfillment - is a 10 week program to empower you to reach your full potential.
  • LeadHERship Design, Mastering Balance & Influence - a 9 month group masterclass
  • Executive coaching - 1x1 coaching packages
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