The exact dates of the transits vary slightly depending on what time zone you’re in and if it’s a leap year.
Last week the Sun was in 62, Details; and the Earth was in 61, Mystery.
We were reaching into the mind of God, to support the details we needed to go forward…
Most people I know reported being a little whack-a-doodle.
Full plates.
Some overwhelm.
I know my team and I have been in full-on detail mode as we make the shift from the 12-week Human Design Certification Training to the Yearlong Training.
So many pieces to put in place!
Today there is a shift in the planetary energies.
The Sun has just moved into Gate 56, The Story Teller.
The Earth has moved into Gate 60, the Gate of Limitation.
Like last week, the energies are both Collective (62 and 56) and Individual (61 and 60).
Only last week the Collective energy was Left brain, Logical. We were trying to be pragmatic about the future.
This week the Collective energy of Gate 56 is Right Brain, Abstract circuitry.
It’s experiential, non-linear.
With this energy we are looking at experiences from the past to guide us into the future.
It gets a bit tricky here.
When we look at Gate 60, Limitation, we can feel the urge to manifest something new.
Individual, raw Root energy pulsing with vitality.
We want to create.
We have a structure we’re working within.
A limitation.
Like a blank piece of paper.
Or a canvas waiting for paint.
We are looking to birth a lotus out of the mud.
If we are telling ourselves a story from past experiences that we are constricted by our limitations…
Well, you know where that leads –
No Possibility.
Nothing happens.
No movement.
The new path that is bursting to come forth fizzles.
If, on the other hand, we are tapping into past experiences of possibility…
If we are telling the story of YES!
Then the limitation acts as a support.
It creates a structure for the new path.
It acts as a container, a focus, a concentration that allows the new manifestation.
What stories are you telling yourself?
What are you wanting to bring forth in your life?
Do you know?
I was talking with my friend Pali Summerlin last night about feeling grabbed by an old story of fear and limitation after reading an email..
I shared an earlier experience of a time 35 years ago when I came to Hawaii for vacation.
My brother Steven had given me a slew of Catherine Ponder tapes on Prosperity, and I sat on the beach and listened for hours to a new way of thinking.
It opened me to a new story.
I shifted from thinking I was the source of my supply and that my ego had to figure everything out, to a surrendered place of understanding that Spirit was the source of my supply.
I went into a space of deep trust.
Of myself. Of my circumstances. Of my resources. My clients.
Everything really.
That awareness became my world for about 15 years – until I was in a car accident and had a brain injury.
Suddenly my capacity to work was limited.
At the same time the market crashed, I lost a ton of money, and my old story of lack and fear reared its head.
I felt deficient.
An old wound lit up.
As I felt that ego deficiency grab from reading the email, I was telling Pali that I wanted to be back in that space of trust, but I couldn’t just say the affirmations.
As we spoke, she gently said to me:
I’m not sure I can convey what happened next, but it’s like I got a transmission.
The lingering old story dropped.
The grab, the fear, the limitation fell away.
The awareness of myself, was one of vast overflowing abundance.
Crystal clear.
The realization of Truth.
The new story, born out of limitation.
Did I mention that the Sun in 56 likes to share stories?
That’s my story for today!
I hope it offers you a possibility to step into a new story around the limitations in your life that you perceive as problematic.
After all, if we allow the support of the Gate 60 energy this week, it can be deeply grounding.
Two more stories!
And…since I wrote this this morning, two more stories showed up to share:
First, Yarrow and I have 21 nieces and nephews.
15 Great nieces and nephews.
And as of today, 4 Grand nieces and nephews!
Yes! Lucas, #40 was born with his Sun in 56, Earth in 60!
So curious to see what kind of storyteller he becomes!
So that brings me to the second story…
Today in the Advanced Training I found out that one of my graduates, who is also a Trainer in the program, Kelly Ruby Hanson, has her birthday this week – Sun in 56, Earth in 60.
Kelly spoke about her experience – how everything she does is in the context of a story. Kelly works with Human Design and the death date of loved ones that have crossed.
She helps people tell a new story of the death.
So you can see Storytelling and Limitation in action!
If you’re interested in opening to a new story with someone who has shifted dimensions, book a session with her.
You will be in good hands!
Go to our website: and contact her.